The elections were brought to mind again today as I came across some propaganda questioning Barack Obama's U.S. citizenship. Obviously, no matter who you are supporting in the elections, it is easy to recognize that the video is done by people who do not want Obama to be President and has such a spin on it. Similar propaganda came out about John McCain way back in February by people who obviously don't want him to be president. To me it is very sad when we go after the identity of a person to try and disqualify them or make attacks on a person's family history (which has been done to both candidates) instead of on the merit of their own decisions and platforms (both of which can be rightly called into serious question for both candidates in various areas).
The whole issue got me thinking about a number of the fears I have heard from friends and family about the possibility of us being in the end times. These fears have been expressly connected with fears about Obama being the antichrist, or more mildly, what his possible term in office might unleash in the way of world events. Most of these people are obviously Christians since they are pulling on imagery of the end times found in Revelation, Daniel and some of Jesus' sayings. They also are obvious supporters of McCain along with what seems to be a heavy majority of Evangelical Christians. One piece of irony I have noticed is that according to the claims of Jesus that in the end days there would wars and rumors of wars...I would be more inclined to think that McCain's intentionally hardlined international policy would lead us to the state of affairs in the world that many believe will precede the apocalypse.

While I am glad and I think that it is important many Christians have taken a renewed interest in politics, we must also recognize that Jesus truly is the only door to bringing heaven to earth and all political parties, all other candidates fall extremely short (another key message of the book of Revelation...the beast...trying to establish his kingdom...could be...any world leader who tries to establish his own kingdom...or...either...candidate......whoa!!!) It does seem as if the need for the book of Revelation has been renewed, but maybe not in the way that many think.
I agree and I also think that God will never let us endure something we cannot handle as long as we remain faithful to him!