Here are a few pictures of Peyton at our churches Harvest Festival.

The Festival entry was this huge pumpkin that you could walk through that lead into a corn maze inside. Peyton was a little scared of the maze.

There was the cutest little petting zoo that Peyton must have gone in at least 10 times.

They had Trunk or Treating where members of the church decorated the trunks of their cars and the kids went from car to car to get candy. Peyton learned to say "Trick or Treat" and went to every car at least twice.

She got her face painted...

Of course her favorite candy was the lollie Pop. After her third one of the night I had to take it away from her and lets just say Peyton did not appreciate this. She threw a huge tantrum the whole time yelling "but trick or treat...but trick or treat!"

Peyton with buddy Caleb dressed like a Pirate. Petyon got to ride a pony. She loved it and was saying "1..2...3..Go!" the whole time. When we got home she tried to ride one of her fisher price horses.

Peyton with pastor Ed. They are buddies!

The night ended with a hay ride through the neighborhood. unfortunately it started pouring rain while we were on the ride and we got soaked. All and all the night was a huge success. Here is a video of Peyton dancing and enjoying her lollipop.
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