Saturday, November 1, 2008

Barack better for choice for pro-life???

I ran across this article by Brian McLaren concerning why he feels that Barack Obama's policies concerning abortion are a better option for Christian pro-lifers than the traditional arguments given to support the Republican Party and "overturning" abortion. It is part of a 5 part post on why he has chosen to vote for Barack Obama. I share it, not to persuade anyone one way or the other, or even because I agree with it all (particularly post 2 which seems to be based on a few presuppositions and and false presises) but more out of my love for sincere dissenting opinions especially among Christians on political and social issues.


  1. That's just silly... Obama wants taxpayer funding of abortions, wants to overturn laws like informed consent and parental conent and says he only wants pro-abortion judges.

    See for the truth.

  2. Did you read the article? I like how you linked me to an article that you wrote. I do recognize a number of your arguments and facts that you cite as being defendable. A number of the issues you bring up in your article such as overturning Roe V. Wade and what that would really do or not do for abortion are addressed in the post by McLaren. Finally, I agree with you that Obama has not put forth an specific plan to lower abortion even though he says that is his goal. I think we have to question, as McLaren does, whether or not the Republican and Christian warrior mentality against abortion is a beneficial response that will truly help America to move toward pro-life not just in talk but in action and not just concerning abortion but every area of life. I am not sure the democratic response is sufficient either, but I think McLaren's point is that voting for McCain just because of the abortion issue many not be as effective as most Christians think.
