Here is a good reminder I came across for all of us parents as to the best gift we can give to our kids this season.
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Christmas Time
By Tim Walker
My mom called today. She needs the “Christmas list” from all three of my boys by tomorrow. She would have preferred to have had the list a month ago to avoid the holiday shopping chaos, but we slacked off. Actually since the Sears Christmas book is no longer in production, it makes the whole Christmas list idea a lot more complicated. Hopefully some of you know what I’m talking about.
I think she’s going to find a few surprises on that list, mostly coming from my middle schooler. Everything on his list is electronic—and expensive. On Christmas Eve, when we gather at my parent’s home to celebrate the holidays, he is the one who may be surprised. I’m not sure if I’m going to hit the mark on anything on his list this year either, but I have been thinking a lot about what I want to give my boys this Christmas.
I don’t want to buy them another video game that they’ll play for two weeks, beat every level, and then trade in for half the price I paid. I don’t want to buy another Lego set that will be assembled then sit on their dresser for months. So what can I give them that will last?
I have an idea—what if I gave them each time? What if I gave them each six days, anytime during this year, in which they each could choose what they want to want to do with mom, dad, or both of us. No siblings. Just one-on-one time.
The opportunities to spend time with them individually are hard to come by. But this year, I want to be more intentional about it. As a dad, I can sense that my boys really want that, but it never seems to just happen, does it? There’s always something on the schedule, something left to be done from the workday, some event. I don’t need to go on any further. I know you get this.
So this year, among the presents I will give my sons will be a small coupon book, filled with coupons that can be redeemed for just a day with dad, or just a day with mom, or just a day with both mom and dad. No other siblings are allowed.
I know, it seems kind of cheesy. But this year, I am going to be intentional about pursuing relationship with my boys. I know they may forget about the coupons, so at first, I may need to redeem them until they get how this works and see that this isn’t just a lame cop-out for a gift.
I’ve got to prove to them that my desire to spend time with each of them is more than just words or an empty promise. I get that. And in a way, I want to prove it to myself too. My heart’s desire is to stay connected with my kids. If this coupon serves as a tool to do it, then great. If it doesn’t, then I’ll find another way.
But that’s what I want this Christmas, and whether my kids would put it on their wish list or not, I think it’s what they really want as well.
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THIS THURSDAY: December 16th we are doing a WHITE ELEPHANT gift exchange. So have your students bring something fun from around the house to exchange! Also, bring a snack to share.
NO GROUP on Thursday December 23rd or Thursday December 30th for the Christmas holidays, have a great holidays with your children and we'll start again on Thursday January 6th.
Winter Camp: Just a reminder we're going to Winter Camp February 11-13 at Hartland Christian Camp. Total cost is $132 - a $30 deposit is due by December 23.
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